The Chinese offer three different explanations for infertility or difficulty with conception:
- (1) Deficiency in Kidney chi and jing, which, over time, creates general weakness, lack of vitality, and the inability to produce a healthy egg;
- (2) Stagnant Liver chi (the energy is not circulating properly), which can lead to “congealed blood” (structural blockage);
- (3) Deficiency in Spleen chi, which causes improper digestion of fluids, leading to buildup of phlegm (tan), which can obstruct the pelvic area and prevent conception.
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- B-complex vitamin (choose the high-potency B-100 formula*)
- Folic acid (included in B-complex but add 100 mg/day)
- Calcium (500 mg/day)
- Magnesium (1,000 mg/day)
- Zinc (15-30 mg/day)
- Vitamin C (1,000 mg/day)
- False unicorn root, (Chamaelirium luteum) This Native American herb has been used for centuries for all manner of gynecological problems, ranging from weak or heavy periods to miscarriage and morning sickness, but its most treasured quality is its ability to promote fertility in both women and men. False unicorn root, also known as helonias root, is an adaptogenic herb, automatically adjusting its actions to the specific needs of the individual.
- Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is rich in vital nutrients and helps to restore and balance hormonal function. Because of its blood-cleansing actions, red clover has traditionally been used for numerous “toxic” conditions, particularly skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, boils, and cysts. This same quality makes red clover helpful for infertility, for it supports the lymphatic drainage of toxins from the tissues. We consider red clover one of the most important herbs for this protocol as infertility is often associated with a “stuck” condition in the bodies ability to keep the blood and energy moving.
- Red raspberry leaf tea (Rubus Idalius), One of the few herbs universally considered safe to take during all stages of pregnancy, raspberry promotes fertility, enhances and strengthens the womb for pregnancy, and helps to prevent miscarriage. When taken during pregnancy, raspberry provides gentle relief of morning sickness and gastrointestinal distress, During labor, the herb helps to reduce pain, allows the uterine contractions to work more effectively (although it does IlOt strengthen contractions), and prevents excessive blood loss, When taken after childbirth, the plant works to replenish uterine tissues, toning and strengthening the muscles.A mild yet strongly supportive plant, raspberry invokes the great mother goddess Huitaca, worshiped by the Chibcha of Colombia. Queen of Love and Pleasure, Huitaca oversees the ongoing cycle of rene\val and creation, ensuring fertility and the safe delivery of healthy babies. It is said that the spirit of this playful peasant goddess lives under the skin of those who k.JlO\V her, reminding them to attend to the simple pleasures of life–eating, drinking, dancing, and lovemaking,
- Nettles, (Urtica dioica) also called stinging nettles, have a strong spiritual heritage and were used traditionally to remove curses or spells, directing them back to the sender (thus the sting). An extremely powerful and invasive plant, nettles extract high concentrations of nutrients from the soil and are especially rich in iron, vitamin C, calcium, and chlorophyll; these and other nutrients in the plant have powerful and diverse effects on the human body. Nettles have been used with great success to treat arthritic diseases and inflammations, to support kidney and bladder functions, and to control hemorrhaging. The Native Americans used nettles primarily as a gynecological herb and general womb tonic to increase fertility, support pregnancy, control bleeding during childbirth, and ease the transition through menopause.
- Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) One of the most beloved and often prescribed of Chinese tonic herbs, Dong Quai is considered the archetypical female herb, used to promote fertility, support and stabilize pregnancy, and balance the menstrual cycles. It is an excellent menopausal tonic, used to ensure a healthy and problem-free menopause. The Chinese believe that Dong Quai enhances receptivity in the form of increasing fertility and opening the mind and spirit to revelatory visions.Relaxing and nourishing. Dong Quai evokes the Chinese goddess Chang-O, who guards the power and mystery of menstrual blood, ruling over the never-ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
(Traditionally, in both Western and Chinese cultures, the combining of herbs is of superior value than the individual parts. After over thirty years as an herbalist, the synergy of certain herbs became apparent and this understanding has been used to create our own Integral Health Apothecary formulas. We are also listing tradition Chinese herbal tonics which exemplify this synergy.)
- Jason originally created Integral Health Apothecary’s Women’s Harmony Formula for supporting women dealing with PMS, as the harmonious blend of Eastern and Western herbs help to promote harmony in their hormonal cycles. Over the years it has proved effective in dealing with fibroids as well. It’s gentle nature helps to promote gynecological health. Herbs are not hormonal in and of themselves but support the body to balance it’s own hormonal machinery, therefore it is important realize that this does not have an immediate effect, and takes up to three months to reach it’s potency. Ingredients: Vitex agnus castus (Chaste tree fruit), Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh), Bupleurum falcatum (Bupleurum root), Peonia latiflora (White peony root), Salvis officials (Sage), Dioscorea villas (Wild yam), Viburnum prunifolium (Black haw), Rubus idaeus (Red raspberry leaf), Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice root), Lavandula officinalis (Lavender)
- Anem-Phello and Rehmannia Formula ‘Chai Pai Di Huang Wan (Eight Flavor Rehmannia Pills)’ to nourish the Kidney chi and dispel heat from the pelvis. I find this excellent for resolving stagnation and heat in the pelvic area, yet nourising the Kidney yin.
- Lung Dan Xie Gan Wan (Gentiana Purge Liver Pills) for Liver constrainment or buildup or phlegm in the pelvic area (a draining formula, not to be used for deficient conditions)
- For Kidney deficiency: Conception Vessel 4, Spleen 6, and Stomach 36
- For Liver constrainment and phlegm: Conception Vessel 3 Conception Vessel 4, Liver 3, Pericardium 6, and Stomach 40
- “What unfinished business do I need to address before I can conceive a child?”
- “How can I nourish myself so that I have the strength and resilience needed to nourish a child?”
- “Are there problems in my marriage (or partnership)? Can we as a couple work together to support each other and offer Support I and nourishment to our child?”
(More healing protocols are accessible by the older or newer entries links in the “healing protocols” topic or by clicking in the “tags cloud” on the sidebar)